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5 minute reset


Share your voice with a global audience, expand your sphere of influence & help improve the lives of others.

If you are a professional in your field, passionate about giving back, love writing, blogging, have a podcast, or other content you want to share, submit your details here!

blog contributor

We are looking for content that is inspirational, positive, & forward-thinking with solid takeaway tips. Any advice should be usable & use the K.I.S.S. Principle - Keep It Short & Simple.

Blog Content

Please add a URL link to your online blog content or upload a PDF file.

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We will add stock photos to your content. If you have a specific photo you would like to include, you must own the rights to each photo.

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guest writer at 5 minute reset

If you would like to be considered as a Featured Guest Writer on our 'Write' page, submit your details here!

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At The 5 Minute Reset, we interact with experts & stakeholders from around the world to share valuable knowledge & experience in order to discover & share better ways, better ideas & better perspectives on a continuous basis. We are a platform powered by an amazing community driven to help others overcome and turn challenges into opportunities to lead purposeful, happier, and more productive lives. By being a Guest Writer you will be able to share your voice with a global audience, expand your sphere of influence, and help improve the lives of others. Although the position is not paid, success will be gained from exposure and your ability to influence positive change in our world. Guest Writers will receive acknowledgment at the top of each article with a brief bio.

The 5 Minute Reset readers are in search of solutions, fresh ideas & inspiration. Sharing your insights, perspectives, valuable knowledge & experiences is a perfect way to interact & help women around the world while enhancing your personal brand & reputation as a leader in business. Here's what we are looking for ...


Fresh Perspectives & Actionable Advice

We strive to provide our readers with informative insights, experiential information, uplifting messages with demonstratable expertise. As a Guest Writer, you will play an instrumental role in providing new insights & actionable advice, by positively contributing to the lives of others. We are looking for content that is inspirational, positive, & forward-thinking with solid takeaway tips. Any advice should be usable & use the K.I.S.S. Principle - Keep It Short & Simple.

We encourage writers to drive readers to your piece through your own networks. You can increase the chances that it will be featured by our editors by posting the link to your article on social media sites, an email list, or any other way you communicate with friends & colleagues.


Acknowledgment Of Any Financial Relationships

Acknowledgment for potential readers of your content of your financial relationships (if any) with any companies and/or individuals you write about or link to.


Formatting / Editing

  • Content length: We are looking for a minimum length of 500 words.

  • Photos: We will add stock photos to your content. If you have a specific photo you would like to include, you must own the rights to the photo.

  • Trustworthy & Appropriate Resources: Embed links to all original sources, data, studies, research, quotes, etc. & ensure factual accuracy.

  • Proofread & Spell Check: Please ensure you have proofread your content with spell check prior to submitting.

  • Language: This platform currently only supports the English language, so please write in English.


Lead Time

Please expect up to 2 weeks before your story gets evaluated. If you are writing about a timely subject matter, be sure to submit it in advance.

Editorial Judgment

The 5 Minute Reset reserves the right to edit all content submitted for publication, including grammar, formatting, headlines & length. We reserve the right to reject content for any reason. We reserve the right to remove any links or content we consider offensive, harmful, or overly promotional. Any violation of our policies can result in the removal of content or removal from the platform at the editors’ discretion.

Editing A Post After It Has Been Published

If you require a change due to a significant typo or factual error, drop us a note on our Contact page and we’ll respond as soon as we can.

Blog Removal

Please be sure that you are super happy with your post before you submit as we are only able to remove blog posts in extraordinary circumstances, such as where a post contains major factual errors or where there are legal issues with the post.

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