When you look at your life and where you are now, how do you feel? Do you feel you would be in the same position regardless of the choices you have made in the past, or do you feel you are in this position as a direct result of your choices? Is your fate deterministic, or do you have freedom of choice? What is your reality?
Your mind is not hidden from you. You have the power of choice and a definite constant in your life will be the ongoing pathways of decision-making. Every day of your life is powered by your decisions. There will always be good opportunities and not-so-good opportunities presented to you throughout your entire life. By simply accessing your local news, you will see some of those not-so-good choices are evidenced in the news reports – most of which are not good news stories. Temptation will always wait at your door, but it is up to you to decide which route to take. You have the power of choice to react to both the good and the bad. You will also need to determine what is the driving force behind making your choices – are you making a particular decision for short-term gratification, practical reasons, or otherwise?
Throughout your life, your window of choices will be an ever-changing range of possibilities. The boundaries will always shift and you will continuously be presented with moving targets. Try to develop the habit of thinking ‘big picture’ and not get stuck in life’s day-to-day minutia. Your end goal is to be aware and learn how to make better choices for you through your intuitive intelligence. Be clear with your choices. Clarity will give you the power to make the right choices for you.
Ultimately, in the end, you hold the power of choice to follow or abandon decisions. Know that the impact of your choices and decisions will always directly impact your wishes and your future.
All posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any product/service.