It is remarkable to think that we all sense a feeling that we need to find our purpose, like we are all on a mission, that we all need to do something meaningful with our lives. We all feel we have a unique role on this earth. We can’t quite explain it, but we all feel this way in some form or another. And at certain points of our lives, this sense of purpose seems to be more relevant than at other points. Maybe this sense is driven by our aging, circumstance, or simply time. Maybe when we are ill and we know our endpoint is closing in, we look at our lives through a different lens.
Over time the expectation to drive more purpose becomes more imminent than ever. We have this preconceived notion that at the end of it all we will find some form of judgment and we long for some form of a reward. Maybe it’s the perception that the anticipated reward will bring us eternal peace and eternal life, or merely recognition. I think the only way we can make sense of it all, in the absence of any real answers to all our life’s questions, is to just live a good life and love what you do. Live a life where you are excited about each and every day. Live a life that is harmonious with every other living thing. Live a life that fills your soul with love and inner bliss. And if you fulfill this expectation, you will be fulfilled.
Life has the potential to lose all purpose if you don’t love what you do or spend your free time doing what you love. You can overcome what may have happened to you in the past just by embracing life and loving it – in a new way. When you love what you do it doesn’t feel like work at all. Everything has its way of feeling just right, like you are on the right path. Disappointments won’t be as disappointing, obstacles don’t feel like mountains, and likewise even the smallest accomplishments feel more rewarding.
When you love what you do, everything is worth it when it comes to following your wishes. Over time you will reveal clarity in what matters most to you and what is simply inconsequential. And much to your surprise, you may realize that what matters most to you are the things that cannot be seen and only felt – romance, love, peace, happiness, gratitude, compassion, and more. All of these things give us reason to live, and best of all, all of these things are meant to be shared.
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