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    If you love writing, blogging or vlogging, or have a podcast or other content we want to hear from you! At The 5 Minute Reset, we interact with experts & stakeholders from around the world to share valuable knowledge & experience in order to discover & share better ways, better ideas & better perspectives on a continuous basis. We are a platform powered by an amazing community driven to help others overcome and turn challenges into opportunities to lead purposeful, happier, and more productive lives. By being a Guest Writer you will be able to share your voice with a global audience, expand your sphere of influence, and help improve the lives of others. If you would like to be a Guest Writer & become more involved, visit our 'Submit Your Story' page for more details!
    Yes! In order to host our platform and grow our community, we value our member sponsors. If would like to become a partnership sponsor, please reach out to us via the Contact page. We look forward to hearing from you!
    The 5 Minute Reset ("The 5 Minute Reset", “,” “we,” “our,” “us”), operates the website located at the URL These Terms of Use constitute an agreement between and you, the visitor, governing your access and use of the Website. Please read these Terms of Use carefully before you start using the Website. These Terms of Use are also incorporated by all of our Terms & Conditions found on the Website. THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A MANDATORY INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION AND CLASS ACTION/JURY TRIAL WAIVER PROVISION THAT REQUIRES THE USE OF ARBITRATION ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS TO RESOLVE DISPUTES, RATHER THAN JURY TRIALS OR CLASS ACTIONS, AND ALSO LIMITS THE REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO YOU IN THE EVENT OF A DISPUTE. Acceptance of these Terms of Use When you access or use the Website, you represent that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these terms of use, whether or not you are a registered user. If you do not agree to these terms of use, or to any changes we may subsequently make to these terms of use, you must immediately stop accessing the website and discontinue using the services provided by These terms of use applies to all visitors, users, vendors, customers, merchants and others who access this Website. Your access to and use of the Website is subject to your continued compliance with these Terms of Use and all applicable laws. Your right to access and use the Website will terminate immediately, without any further action by The 5 Minute Reset, if you breach these Terms of Use. Modification and Changes to Terms of Use We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify or update these Terms of Use at any time for any reason, with or without prior notice to you, and any such changes to these Terms of Use will supersede and replace any previous Terms of Use effective immediately upon posting to this page. It is your responsibility to periodically review these Terms of Use as posted here for any changes. Your continued use of the Website after the posting of changes to these Terms of Use will constitute your acceptance of such changes. For the avoidance of doubt, you should discontinue using the Website if you do not agree with any changes to these Terms of Use. Modification or Suspension of the Website and Right to Terminate Your Use of the Website We reserve the right to change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Website at any time and from time to time, in our sole discretion and without notice or liability, including by adding or eliminating certain features or discontinuing the Website entirely. Any description of features on the Website shall not be considered to be a representation by that such features will always be included on the Website. From time to time, we may restrict access to some or all of the Website, including for Registered Users. We also reserve the right to terminate or suspend your Account or restrict your use of or access to the Website, without notice or liability, for any reason or no reason at our sole discretion. Accordingly, for any reason, and without notice, all or any part of the Website may become unavailable to you at any time and for any period. If we suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Website or terminate your Account, we are not responsible for providing you with any information or content. We may also delete your other preferences and interests to the extent stored within or in connection with your Account. You have no recourse with regard to any information that we delete regardless of any value you may ascribe to such information. We expressly disclaim any value you may attribute to any of your information stored on our servers. Linked Destinations and Advertising The Website may contain links to other websites, including, but not limited to, advertisements and other content posted by us or by third-parties (“Linked Sites”). You may also navigate to the Website from links, often provided by us, deployed by third parties in their social media, advertisements and other marketing activities (the locations where these links are placed are also considered Linked Sites). Access to or from Linked Sites is made available by only as a convenience. Such Linked Sites are not owned, operated or controlled by us and if you visit Linked Sites, you do so entirely at your own risk and subject to the terms of use and privacy policies of such Linked Sites. Please be careful to read the terms of use and privacy policies of any Linked Sites before you provide any personal or other information to, or engage in any activity on, such Linked Sites. Any terms, conditions, warranties or representations included in the Linked Sites are solely between you and the relevant providers of the Linked Sites. You cannot rely on our Terms of Use and/or our Privacy Policy to govern your use of another website or destination. We do not endorse, and expressly disclaims responsibility and liability for, Linked Sites, including with respect to the content, products and services provided by the Linked Sites. Any interactions you have with Linked Sites are between you and the Linked Sites and you agree that is not liable for any damage or loss you may suffer as a result of any interactions with any such Linked Sites or any claims that you may have against any such Linked Sites. License to Use the Website We are pleased to grant you a non-exclusive, revocable, limited license to use the Website solely for your personal and non-commercial use. You may only use the Website in the manner in which the Content (as defined below) you access is intended and in compliance with these Terms of Use and with any and all applicable federal, state, local and international laws, rules and regulations. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, commercially exploit, create derivative works from, transfer or sell any Content, software, products or services contained with the Website without the express written consent of The 5 Minute Reset. You may not use the Website or any of its Content to further any commercial purpose, including any advertising or advertising revenue generation active on your own website or in any other form or medium. All rights not expressly granted to you in these Terms of Use are reserved and retained by and/or its Content providers. The licenses granted by terminate if you do not comply with these Terms of Use and/or any other Website terms and conditions. By using the Website, you represent that you are not a person barred from using the Website under the laws, rules and regulations of the Canada, your place of residence or any other applicable jurisdiction. No other rights, assignment, licenses or legal relationship of any nature, including, but not limited to, agency, partnership, joint-venture, employer-employee, franchisor-franchisee or otherwise, either express or implied, are created through your use of the Website unless expressly reserved in these Terms of Use. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Notification You may only use the Website if you are 18 years of age or older. To register for an account, purchase products via the Website, subscribe to receive any Content or other marketing or promotional material from us (in any form and via any media) (a “Subscription”) or use the, you must be 18 years of age or over. If you are under 18 years of age or not of legal age to form a binding contract in your place of residence, you must have your parent or legal guardian’s permission to use the Website. Medical, Nutrition and Fitness Information YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ALL MEDICAL, NUTRITION AND FITNESS INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THE WEBSITE, INCLUDING ALL TEXT, PHOTOGRAPHS, IMAGES, ILLUSTRATIONS, GRAPHICS, AUDIO, VIDEO AND AUDIO-VIDEO CLIPS, AND OTHER MATERIALS, WHETHER PROVIDED BY 5MINUTERESET.COM OR BY OTHER USERS OR THIRD PARTIES, IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED TO BE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED IN PLACE OF (i) THE ADVICE OF YOUR PHYSICIAN OR OTHER MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, (ii) A VISIT, CALL OR CONSULTATION WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN OR OTHER MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, OR (iii) INFORMATION CONTAINED ON OR IN ANY PRODUCT PACKAGING OR LABEL. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN OR OTHER HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IF YOU HAVE HEALTH-RELATED QUESTIONS BEFORE USING ANY OF OUR PRODUCTS OR RELYING ON ANY INFORMATION YOU OBTAIN ON THE WEBSITE. INFORMATION AND STATEMENTS REGARDING DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY HEALTH-RELATED QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL OR SEE YOUR PHYSICIAN OR OTHER HEALTHCARE PROVIDER PROMPTLY. SHOULD YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY, CALL YOUR PHYSICIAN OR 911 IMMEDIATELY. YOU SHOULD NEVER DISREGARD MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY IN SEEKING MEDICAL ADVICE BECAUSE OF ANY CONTENT PRESENTED ON OR VIA THE WEBSITE AND YOU SHOULD NOT USE THE WEBSITE OR ANY CONTENT AVAILABLE THROUGH OR VIA THE WEBSITE FOR DIAGNOSING OR TREATING A HEALTH PROBLEM. 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Without limiting anything set out above, you hereby release each of the Indemnified Parties from all damages, liabilities, claims, actions, demands and costs of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and/or any use by you of the Website. Limitations on Liability THE PROVIDERS WHOSE THIRD-PARTY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE ARE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS AND NOT AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES OF 5MINUTERESET.COM. 5MINUTERESET.COM IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE ACTS, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, WARRATNIES, BREACHES OR NEGLIGENCE OF ANY SUCH PROVIDERS OR FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURIES, DEATH, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR OTHER DAMAGE OR EXPENSES RESULTING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, FROM SUCH PRODUCTS AND/OR SERVICES. EXCEPT FOR A BREACH OF THESE TERMS OF USE BY YOU (SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, A COMMERCIAL USE OF THE WEBSITE IN VIOLATION OF THESE TERMS OF USE), A VIOLATION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OR INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS OR WITH RESPECT TO PRODUCTS OR SERVICES THAT WE PROVIDE TO A SPECIFIC CONSUMER FOR A FEE WHICH SHALL BE GOVERNED BY ITS OWN CONTRACTUAL TERMS, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL YOU OR 5MINUTERESET.COM AND/OR ITS AFFILIATES, LICENSORS, LICENSEES, SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF USE, DATA, GOODWILL OR PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE WEBSITE, THE DELAY OR INABILITY TO USE THE WEBSITE, THE PROVISION OF OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SERVICES AND/OR FUNCTIONALITY OF THE WEBSITE, OR FOR ANY CONTENT, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OBTAINED OR PURCHASED THROUGH THE WEBSITE, OR OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THE WEBSITE, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF 5MINUTERESET.COM AND/OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES, LICENSORS, LICENSEES, SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 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EXCEPT FOR A BREACH OF THESE TERMS OF USE BY YOU (SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, A COMMERCIAL USE OF THE WEBSITE IN VIOLATION OF THESE TERMS OF USE), VIOLATION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OR INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS OR WITH RESPECT TO PRODUCTS OR SERVICES THAT WE PROVIDE TO A SPECIFIC CONSUMER FOR A FEE WHICH SHALL BE GOVERNED BY ITS OWN CONTRACTUAL TERMS, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL YOUR OR OUR TOTAL LIABILITY FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES OR CAUSES OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU TO US, IF ANY, FOR ACCESSING OR PARTICIPATING IN ANY ACTIVITY RELATED TO USE OF THE WEBSITE OR US$50 (WHICHEVER IS LESS). UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL 5MINUTERESET.COM AND/OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES, LICENSORS, LICENSEES, SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE, LOSS OR INJURY RESULTING FROM HACKING, TAMPERING OR OTHER UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS OR USE OF THE WEBSITE, YOUR DATA OR YOUR ACCOUNT OR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT AT ALL TIMES TO DISCLOSE ANY INFORMATION THAT WE DEEM NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH ANY APPLICABLE LAW, RULE, REGULATION, LEGAL PROCESS OR GOVERNMENTAL REQUEST. YOU WAIVE AND HOLD HARMLESS 5MINUTERESET.COM AND ITS AFFILIATES, LICENSORS, LICENSEES, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS FROM ANY CLAIMS RESULTING FROM ANY ACTION RELATING TO YOUR ACCOUNT OR TAKEN AS A RESULT OF ANY SUCH DISCLOSURE. 5MINUTERESET.COM MAKES NO REPRESENTATION THAT THE WEBSITE IS APPROPRIATE OR AVAILABLE FOR USE AT LOCATIONS OUTSIDE OF CANADA. ACCESS TO THE WEBSITE FROM TERRITORIES WHERE SUCH SERVICES ARE ILLEGAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 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    The content found on our Website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately. The 5 Minute Reset does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on Reliance on any information provided by, The 5 Minute Reset employees, contracted or guest writers, or medical professionals presenting content for publication to The 5 Minute Reset is solely at your own risk. The Site & its Content are provided on an "as is" basis. You also understand that products offered by may contain materials that could be dangerous if handled improperly, and you acknowledge that is not liable for any personal injury or property damage arising from any misuse of any products offered through the Website. You further acknowledge that products may not be suitable for use by children, and you expressly assume sole liability for providing any individual under the age of 18 with access to any products. You hereby agree not use products for any illegal purpose and you assume all liability for any action you take for any action that is contrary to any law, rule, or regulation of any territory. Warranty Disclaimer The information, software, products and services included in or available through the Website are continually upgraded and updated. While will use commercially reasonable efforts to verify the accuracy of any information it places on the Website, does not warrant or represent that such information, products and/or services are reliable, accurate, complete, uninterrupted, error free, secure or free of defects, viruses or bugs. ACCORDINGLY, THE WEBSITE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE” WITH NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF ANY KIND AND YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE IS ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. 5MINUTERESET.COM AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE WEBSITE, INFORMATION, SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS SERVICES OR RELATED GRAPHICS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY PURPOSE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, TITLE, COMPATIBILITY, SECURITY AND ACCURACY, AND ALL WARRANTIES THAT MAY ARISE FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN STATES AND JURISDICTIONS IN WHICH THE EXCLUSION OF WARRANTY IS PROHIBITED, SUCH EXCLUSIONS SHALL ONLY APPLY TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED. 5MINUTERESET.COM DOES NOT WARRANT, ENDORSE, GUARANTEE OR ASSUME RESPONSIBILTY FOR ANY INFORMATION, PRODUCT OR SERVICE PROVIDED, ADVERTISED OR OFFERED BY A THIRD PARTY THROUGH THE WEBSITE OR ANY LINKED SITE AND 5MINUTERESET.COM WILL NOT BE A PARTY TO OR IN ANY WAY MONITOR ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN YOU AND ANY LINKED SITE. ANY SUCH LINKS ARE PROVIDED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ONLY. IF YOU CHOOSE TO CLICK ON ANY SUCH LINKS, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT YOU, NOT 5MINUTERESET.COM, ARE DISPLAYING ITS CONTENTS AND YOU ACCESS SUCH LINKED SITES AT YOUR OWN RISK. WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL LIABILITY FOR PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION THAT MAY BE PROVIDED BY ANY SOCIAL MEDIA SERVICES IN VIOLATION OF THE PRIVACY SETTINGS THAT YOU HAVE SET IN SUCH SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS. You acknowledge and agree that any reliance on the information and other materials included on the Website shall be at your sole risk and responsibility. reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to correct any errors or omissions in any part of the Website and to make changes to the services, materials, products, programs and features included therein at any time with or without notice.
    You may create an account by providing us with your name and e-mail address (an “Account”). Users who have created an Account (“Registered Users”) are able access their accounts through the “Your Account” part of the Website and manage their email address and shipping addresses and view their existing or past orders. You do not need to create an account to receive Content or other marketing information via a Subscription or to submit an order to purchase products that may be listed on the Website. Please refer to our Customer Terms and Conditions for more details about ordering products through the Website and our Privacy Policy for more details about submitting your personal information to us. By creating an account, you agree: (a) that you are able to and have the appropriate authority and authorization to create a binding agreement with; (b) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself when we request it; (c) maintain and promptly update this information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete to the extent the Service permit such updates; and (d) use limited-access portions of the Services only using access credentials that we have issued to you. If you have previously had your access to or use of the Website terminated by us, you may not access or use the Website under any circumstances. You should never share your Account information with third parties or allow third parties to use your Account. Please keep your password confidential and be sure to exit from your Account at the end of each session. You are responsible for all of the activity on your Account, including the use of your Account by other people who you may or may not authorize to use your Account. If you allow others to access your Account in violation of these Terms of Use, you agree to be responsible for ensuring that they comply with these Terms of Use. You must notify us immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your Account by sending an an e-mail via our Contact page with “Unauthorized Use” in the subject line. Even if you notify us, you will be responsible for any activities that occur using your access credentials, including any charges resulting from the use of your account. will not be liable for any losses caused by any unauthorized use of your account. By providing your email address, you consent to our using the email address to send you Service-related notices, including any notices required by law, in lieu of communication by postal mail. We may also use your email address to send you other messages, such as changes to features of the Website and special offers. If you do not want to receive such email messages, you may opt-out or change your preferences on the personal settings page associated with your account. Opting out may prevent you from receiving email messages regarding updates, improvements, or offers. When you sign up for or use our products and services, you may give us permission to access your information in other services. For example, you may link your Facebook account, which allows us to obtain information from those accounts (like your full name and email). The information we get from those services often depends on your settings or their privacy policies, so be sure to check what those are. reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your access to the Website or any portion thereof at any time, without notice. You may terminate your Account at any time by sending an e-mail via our Contact page with “Cancel Account” in the subject line or you may unsubscribe to a Subscription by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email or sending an email via our Contact page with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. Please allow a minimum of 48 hours for termination to take effect. Following termination, you will not receive any further communications from us unless and until you re-register by creating a new Account or request a new Subscription. Our rights under these Terms of Use will expressly survive termination of these Terms of Use, the cessation of your use of or access to the Website, termination of your Account and/or cancellation of your Subscription.
    Intellectual Property Rights The Website and its content, features and functionality, including, without limitation, information, software, text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, video clips, data compilations and the design, selection and arrangement thereof, are the exclusive property of, our licensors or other content suppliers, and are protected by Canadian and international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws, and may not be used or exploited in any way without our prior written consent. No right, title or interest in or to the Website or any Content is transferred to you and all rights not expressly granted are reserved. Any use of the Website that is not expressly permitted by these Terms of Use may be a breach of these Terms of Use and may violate copyright, trademark and other laws. In addition to the intellectual property rights mentioned above, for purposes of these Terms of Use/Terms and Conditions, “Content” is defined as all information such as the “look and feel” of the Website, data files, graphics, text, photographs, drawings, logos, images, sounds, music and video and audio files on the Website. tries to ensure that the Content is accurate and complete. Your use of the Website is at your risk. does not warrant that the functional aspects of the Website or the Content will be error free or that the Website, the Content or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components. and its suppliers make no warranties about the Content or about results to be obtained from using the Website. You bear the entire risk of the completeness, accuracy or usefulness of any Content found on this Website. reserves the right to withdraw, temporarily or permanently, any Content from the Website at any time and for any reason and such removal may be immediate and without notice. As an express condition to your use of and access to the Website, you acknowledge, agree and confirm that is not liable to you or any third party for any such withdrawal. Website Content is selected by our editors and is editorial content. We do not accept or take advertising, except where we specifically indicate as such. We do not accept payment from third parties for products or Content to appear on the Website. From time to time some of the Content may be sponsored or third-party content (“Sponsored Content”) and any such Sponsored Content will be clearly marked as such. When you subscribe to receive Content, you agree to receive Sponsored Content. If you would prefer not to receive such Sponsored Content you should unsubscribe by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email or sending an email via our Contact page with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. If you unsubscribe you will not receive any Content, whether it is Sponsored Content or Content. To the extent that we post third party Content, it reflects the personal opinions and views of the third-party authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of and we accept no responsibility for any such third party opinions and views. Restrictions You may not under any circumstances: Copy or print any of the Content, whether licensed by us or otherwise, unless and to the extent it is for your own personal, non-commercial use and you must retain all trademark, copyright and other proprietary notices contained in and on any such Content; Reproduce, download, modify, translate, add to, distribute, transmit, publish, perform, display, disclose, archive, upload, broadcast or sell, sublicense, index or exploit any part of the Website or the content thereon in any medium, either directly or through the use of any device, software, internet site, web-based service or other means, without our prior express written permission; Remove, alter, bypass, avoid, interfere with or circumvent any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices marked on the Content or any digital rights management mechanism, device or other content protection measures either directly or through other means; Mirror, frame, screen scrape or deep link to any aspect of the Website or access any Content through technology or means other than those provided or authorized by us; Access the Website via any automated system, including, without limitation, by “robots,” “spiders,” “offline readers,” etc., or take any action that imposes, or may impose (as determined in our sole discretion), an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; Knowingly or recklessly upload invalid data or introduce viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other malware or software agents, whether harmful or not, to the Website, or tamper with, impair, damage, attack, exploit or penetrate the system or network, or otherwise attempt to interfere with or compromise the system integrity or security of or any connected networks, or take any action to impact the proper operation of the Website and any person’s or entity’s use or enjoyment thereof; Bypass the measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to or use of the Website, including by hacking into secured or non-public areas of the Website, circumventing any geo-blocking mechanisms or otherwise; Use the Website to collect any personally identifiable information, including Account names and e-mail addresses, or use the Website for any commercial solicitation purposes, without our prior express written permission; or Attempt to reverse engineer any aspect of the Website or attempt to derive the source code (including the tools, methods, processes and infrastructure) that enables or underlies the Website, create any derivative works or materials of any kind using the Content, whether or not you intend to give away the derivative materials free of charge, or otherwise build a business utilizing any aspect of the Website.
    At we leave it up to you in regards to how you would like to be a part of the community - as either for informational purposes, a contributor to the conversations, or both. We expect all our members to have the same integrity & values as The 5 Minute Reset & respect the privacy of other community members as well. All information is expected to remain private & can only be shared with written mutual consent of all parties involved. We are committed to maintaining the privacy of all personal information entrusted to us & continually implement practices to protect the privacy of your information. You have a right to know how we collect, use & disclose personal information & that it remains accurate & confidential. The 5 Minute Reset Privacy Policy Effective date: December 1, 2020 Welcome to The 5 Minute Reset (“The 5 Minute Reset", "", "we," "us" or "our"). Our Privacy Policy explains how we work with collect, use, share & protect information in relation to our mobile services, web site, & any software provided on or in connection with The 5 Minute Reset services (collectively, the "Service"), & your choices about the collection & use of your information. Our Policy applies to all visitors, users, & others who access the Service ("Users"). By using our Service you understand & agree that we are providing a platform for you to post content, including photos, comments & other materials ("User Content"), to the Service & to share User Content publicly in a private community. This means that other Users within our community may search for, see, use, or share any of your User Content that you make publicly available through the Service, consistent with the terms & conditions of this Privacy Policy & our Terms & Conditions. 1. INFORMATION WE COLLECT We collect the following types of information. Information you provide us directly: Your username, password & e-mail address when you register for The 5 Minute Reset account. Profile information that you provide for your user profile (e.g., first & last name, picture, phone number). This information allows us to help you or others be "found" on The 5 Minute Reset. User Content (e.g., photos, comments, & other materials) that you post to the Service. Communications between you & The 5 Minute Reset. For example, we may send you Service-related emails (e.g., account verification, changes/updates to features of the Service, technical & security notices). Note that you may not opt out of Service-related e-mails. Finding members on The 5 Minute Reset: If you choose, you can use our “Find a member" feature to locate other people with The 5 Minute Reset accounts either through a search of names & usernames on The 5 Minute Reset. If you choose to find members through a (ii) third-party social media site, then you will be prompted to set up a link to the third-party service & you understand that any information that such service may provide to us will be governed by this Privacy Policy. If you choose to find members (iii) through a search of names or usernames on The 5 Minute Reset then simply type a name to search & we will perform a search on our Service. Analytics information: We use third-party analytics tools to help us measure traffic & usage trends for the Service. These tools collect information sent by your device or our Service, including the web pages you visit, add-ons, & other information that assists us in improving the Service. We collect & use this analytics information with analytics information from other Users so that it cannot reasonably be used to identify any particular individual User. Cookies & similar technologies: When you visit the Service, we may use cookies & similar technologies like pixels, web beacons, & local storage to collect information about how you use The 5 Minute Reset & provide features to you. Log file information: Log file information is automatically reported by your browser each time you make a request to access (i.e., visit) a web page or app. It can also be provided when the content of the webpage or app is downloaded to your browser or device. When you use our Service, our servers automatically record certain log file information, including your web request, Internet Protocol ("IP") address, browser type, referring / exit pages & URLs, number of clicks & how you interact with links on the Service, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed, & other such information. We may also collect similar information from emails sent to our Users which then help us track which emails are opened & which links are clicked by recipients. The information allows for more accurate reporting & improvement of the Service. Device identifiers: When you use a mobile device like a tablet or phone to access our Service, we may access, collect, monitor, store on your device, &/or remotely store one or more "device identifiers." Device identifiers are small data files or similar data structures stored on or associated with your mobile device, which uniquely identify your mobile device. A device identifier may be data stored in connection with the device hardware, data stored in connection with the device's operating system or other software, or data sent to the device by The 5 Minute Reset. A device identifier may deliver information to us or to a third party partner about how you browse & use the Service & may help us or others provide reports or personalized content & ads. Some features of the Service may not function properly if use or availability of device identifiers is impaired or disabled. Metadata: Metadata is usually technical data that is associated with User Content. For example, Metadata can describe how, when & by whom a piece of User Content was collected & how that content is formatted. Users can add or may have Metadata added to their User Content including a hashtag (e.g., to mark keywords when you post a photo), geotag (e.g., to mark your location to a photo), comments or other data. This makes your User Content more searchable by others & more interactive. If you geotag your photo or tag your photo using other's APIs then, your latitude & longitude will be stored with the photo & searchable (e.g., through a location or map feature) if your photo is made public by you in accordance with your privacy settings. 2. HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION In addition to some of the specific uses of information we describe in this Privacy Policy, we may use information that we receive to: help you efficiently access your information after you sign in remember information so you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit the Service; provide personalized content & information to you & others, which could include online ads or other forms of marketing provide, improve, test, & monitor the effectiveness of our Service develop & test new products & features monitor metrics such as total number of visitors, traffic, & demographic patterns diagnose or fix technology problems automatically update The 5 Minute Reset application on your device The 5 Minute Reset or other Users may run contests, special offers or other events or activities ("Events") on the Service. If you do not want to participate in an Event, do not use the particular Metadata (i.e. hashtag or geotag) associated with that Event. 3. SHARING OF YOUR INFORMATION We will not rent or sell your information to third parties outside The 5 Minute Reset (or any future group of companies of which The 5 Minute Reset may be a part) without your consent, except as noted in this Policy. Parties with whom we may share your information: We may share User Content & your information (including but not limited to, information from cookies, log files, device identifiers, location data, & usage data) with businesses that are legally part of the same group of companies that The 5 Minute Reset is part of, or that become part of that group ("Affiliates"). Affiliates may use this information to help provide, understand, & improve the Service (including by providing analytics) & Affiliates' own services (including by providing you with better & more relevant experiences). But these Affiliates will honour the choices you make about privacy. We also may share your information as well as information from tools like cookies, log files, & device identifiers & location data, with third-party organizations that help us provide the Service to you ("Service Providers"). Our Service Providers will be given access to your information as is reasonably necessary to provide the Service under reasonable confidentiality terms. We may remove parts of data that can identify you & share anonymized data with other parties. We may also combine your information with other information in a way that it is no longer associated with you & share that aggregated information. Parties with whom you may choose to share your User Content: Any information or content that you voluntarily disclose for posting to the Service, such as User Content, becomes available to the The 5 Minute Reset community, as controlled by any applicable privacy settings that you set. To change your privacy settings on the Service, please change your profile setting. Once you have shared User Content or made it available to community members, that User Content may be re-shared within the community by other community members. Subject to your profile & privacy settings, any User Content that you make public is searchable by other Users & subject to use under our within the community API. If you remove information that you posted to the Service, copies may remain viewable in cached & archived pages of the Service, or if other Users or third parties using the within the The 5 Minute Reset API have copied or saved that information. What happens in the event of a change of control: If we sell or otherwise transfer part or the whole of The 5 Minute Reset or our assets to another organization (e.g., in the course of a transaction like a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, dissolution, liquidation), your information such as name & email address, User Content & any other information collected through the Service may be among the items sold or transferred. You will continue to own your User Content. The buyer or transferee will have to honour the commitments we have made in this Privacy Policy. Responding to legal requests & preventing harm: We may access, preserve & share your information in response to a legal request (like a search warrant, court order or subpoena) if we have a good faith belief that the law requires us to do so. This may include responding to legal requests from jurisdictions outside of Canada where we have a good faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects users in that jurisdiction, & is consistent with internationally recognized standards. We may also access, preserve & share information when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent & address fraud & other illegal activity; to protect ourselves, you & others, including as part of investigations; & to prevent death or imminent bodily harm. Information we receive about you may be accessed, processed & retained for an extended period of time when it is the subject of a legal request or obligation, governmental investigation, or investigations concerning possible violations of our terms or policies, or otherwise to prevent harm. 4. HOW WE STORE YOUR INFORMATION Storage & Processing: Your information collected through the Service may be stored & processed in Canada, or any other country in which The 5 Minute Reset, its Affiliates or Service Providers maintain facilities. The 5 Minute Reset, its Affiliates, or Service Providers may transfer information that we collect about you, including personal information across borders & from your country or jurisdiction to other countries or jurisdictions around the world. If you are located in the European Union or other regions with laws governing data collection & use that may differ from Canadian law, please note that we may transfer information, including personal information, to a country & jurisdiction that does not have the same data protection laws as your jurisdiction. By registering for & using the Service you consent to the transfer of information to Canada, or to any other country in which The 5 Minute Reset, its Affiliates or Service Providers maintain facilities & the use & disclosure of information about you as described in this Privacy Policy. We use commercially reasonable safeguards to help keep the information collected through the Service secure & take reasonable steps (such as requesting a unique password) to verify your identity before granting you access to your account. However, The 5 Minute Reset cannot ensure the security of any information you transmit to The 5 Minute Reset or guarantee that information on the Service may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed. Please do your part to help us. You are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your unique password & account information, & for controlling access to emails between you & The 5 Minute Reset, at all times. Your privacy settings may also be affected by changes the social media services you connect to The 5 Minute Reset make to their services. We are not responsible for the functionality, privacy, or security measures of any other organization. 5. YOUR CHOICES ABOUT YOUR INFORMATION Your account information & profile/privacy settings: Update your account at any time by logging in & changing your profile settings. Unsubscribe from email communications from us by clicking on the "unsubscribe link" provided in such communications. As noted above, you may not opt out of Service-related communications (i.e., account verification, purchase & billing confirmations & reminders, changes/updates to features of the Service, technical & security notices). How long we keep your User Content: Following termination or deactivation of your account, The 5 Minute Reset, its Affiliates, or its Service Providers may retain information (including your profile information) & User Content for a commercially reasonable time for backup, archival, &/or audit purposes. 6. CHILDREN'S PRIVACY The 5 Minute Reset does not knowingly collect or solicit any information from anyone under the age of 18 or knowingly allow such persons to register for the Service. The Service & its content are not directed at children under the age of 18. In the event that we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 18 without parental consent, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any information from or about a child under 18, please contact us. 7. OTHER WEB SITES & SERVICES We are not responsible for the practices employed by any websites or services linked to or from our Service, including the information or content contained within them. Please remember that when you use a link to go from our Service to another website or service, our Privacy Policy does not apply to those third-party websites or services. Your browsing & interaction on any third-party website or service, including those that have a link on our website, are subject to that third party's own rules & policies. In addition, you agree that we are not responsible & do not have control over any third-parties that you authorize to access your User Content. If you are using a third-party website or service & you allow them to access your User Content you do so at your own risk. 8. HOW TO CONTACT US ABOUT A DECEASED USER In the event of the death of a The 5 Minute Reset User, please contact us. We will usually conduct our communication via email; should we require any other information, we will contact you at the email address you have provided in your request. 9. HOW TO CONTACT US If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the Service, please contact us. 10. CHANGES TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY It may be necessary for The 5 Minute Reset to modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time, for example to reflect updates to the Service or where required by law. We will notify you before we make changes to this Privacy Policy & give you the opportunity to review the revised Privacy Policy before continuing to use the Service. Your continued use of The 5 Minute Reset or the Service after any modification to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such modification.
    Community Standards The conversations that happen on directly reflect the diversity of our community, communicating across countries & cultures & sharing personal emotions & experiences. We recognize how important it is for our The 5 Minute Reset community to be a place where people feel empowered to communicate, & we take our role in keeping abuse off our service seriously. That’s why we have developed a set of Community Standards that outline what is and is not allowed on Our Standards apply around the world to all types of content. They’re designed to be comprehensive – for example, content that might not be considered hate speech may still be removed for violating our bullying policies. The goal of our Community Standards is to encourage expression & create a safe environment. We develop our policies based on input from our community & from experts in fields such as technology & public safety. Our policies are also rooted in the following principles: Safety: People need to feel safe in order to build community. We are committed to removing content that encourages harm, including (but not limited to) physical, financial, & emotional injury. Voice: Our mission is all about embracing diverse views. We err on the side of allowing content, even when some find it objectionable, unless removing that content can prevent a specific harm. Moreover, at times we will allow content that might otherwise violate our standards if we feel that it is newsworthy, significant, or important to the public interest. We do this only after weighing the public interest value of the content against the risk of real-world harm. Equity: Our community is global and diverse. Everyone on plays a part in keeping the platform safe & respectful. We ask people to share responsibly & to let us know when they see something that may violate our Community Standards. We make it easy for people to report potentially violating content, including profiles, individual content, &/or comments to us for review. We also give people the option to block, unfollow, or hide people & posts, so that they can control their own experience on The 5 Minute Reset. The consequences for violating our Community Standards vary depending on the severity of the violation & a person's history on the platform. For instance, we may warn someone for a first violation, but if they continue to violate our policies, we may have no other option but to cancel their membership. We also may notify law enforcement when we believe there is a genuine risk of physical harm or a direct threat to public safety. Our Community Standards, which we will continue to develop over time, serve as a guide for how to communicate on It is in this spirit that we ask members of The 5 Minute Reset community to follow these guidelines. If you do not agree with the Terms & Conditions for on this Website, you should not enter this site.
    User Generated Material If and to the extent that we elect to accept user generated material, you may have the opportunity to publish, transmit, submit or otherwise post reviews, ratings, comments, feedback or other materials on the Website (“User Generated Material”) that may be accessible and viewable by the public. With respect to User Generated Material posted by you, you represent that (i) you created and own the rights to the content or you have the owner’s express permission to post such content, and (ii) the content does not infringe any other person’s or entity’s rights (including, without limitation, copyrights, trademarks or privacy rights) or violate any applicable laws, rules or regulations, these Terms of Use or any of our other posted policies. User Generated Material must not: Contain any material which is false, defamatory, libellous, obscene, harassing, threatening, discriminatory, bigoted, hateful, violent, vulgar, profane, pornographic or otherwise offensive, inappropriate, damaging, unlawful, disruptive or harmful; Violate our or any other person’s legal rights (including the rights of publicity and privacy), contain any material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under applicable laws or regulations or otherwise promote, advocate or assist any illegal activity or unlawful act; Create or threaten harm to any person or loss or damage to any property; Include other peoples’ personal information, such as another person’s address, phone number, e-mail address, social security number, credit card number, medical information, financial information, or any other information that may be used to track, contact, or impersonate that individual; Infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, contract or other intellectual property or other proprietary rights of or any other person; Seek to harm or exploit children by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable information or otherwise; Misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person or organization, including; Seek to collect other users’ e-mail addresses and/or their usernames or passwords for their Accounts or other services by electronic or other means for any purpose, including to send unsolicited e-mail or other electronic communications; Seek to transmit chain letters, bulk or junk e-mail, whether automated or not, or interfere with, disrupt or create an undue burden on or the networks or services connected to the Website or install or attempt to install or promote spyware, malware or other computer code on our computers or equipment or the computers or equipment of third parties; or Involve commercial activities such as contests, sweepstakes and/or other sales promotions, barter, advertising or offers of sale or purchase of goods and services; or Be otherwise objectionable or non-family friendly as determined by at its sole discretion. We do not claim ownership to User Generated Material. However, by posting User Generated Material, you irrevocably grant us and our assigns, agents and licensees and other users a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid license under all copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, privacy and publicity rights and other intellectual property rights you own or control to: (i) use, reproduce, transmit, modify, index, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, display and otherwise exploit such content throughout the world in any media, whether now known or hereafter invented, including for any and all purposes, including commercial or marketing purposes, all without further notice to you, with or without attribution, and without the requirement of any permission from or payment to you or any other person or entity, and (ii) to use your name, persona or likeness alone or in connection with such uses, without any obligation or remuneration to you. Without limitation, the granted rights include the right to: (a) configure, host, index, cache, archive, store, digitize, compress, optimize, modify, reformat, edit, adapt, publish in searchable format, and remove such User Generated Material and combine same with other materials, and (b) use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in any User Generated Material for any purposes whatsoever, including developing, manufacturing, and marketing products and/or services. Except as prohibited by law, you hereby waive, and you agree to waive, any moral rights (including attribution and integrity) that you may have in any User Generated Material, even if it is altered or changed in a manner not agreeable to you. To the extent not waivable, you irrevocably agree not to exercise such rights (if any) in a manner that interferes with any exercise of the granted rights. You understand that you will not receive any fees, sums, consideration, or remuneration for any of the rights granted in this Section. You agree to pay all royalties, fees and other monies owing to any person or entity by reason of the User Generated Material that you post on the Website. We may refuse, alter, or remove a User Submission without notice for any reason at’s sole discretion, including our belief that a User Submission may violate these Terms of Use or be otherwise objectionable. If and to the extent that we elect to accept User Generated Material, we have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor, review, screen, post, remove, reject, modify and store all User Generated Material posted on the Website, at any time and for any reason, without notice, including to ensure that all such User Generated Material complies with these Terms of Use. We do not endorse any User Generated Material and the User Generated Material posted does not reflect our opinions, views or advice. You are solely responsible for your User Generated Material and the consequences of posting and publishing it and you agree that we are acting only as a passive conduit for your online distribution and publication of your User Generated Material. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any User Generated Material that you or any other user or third-party posts or sends on or through the Website, nor do we assume any liability for any action or inaction regarding transmissions, communications or content provided by any user or third party. We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to monitor or to take any action regarding disputes between you and any other user and shall have no liability for your interactions or any disputes with other users or for any user’s action or inaction. You are solely responsible for your conduct on the Website and your interactions with other users. Notwithstanding our rules with regard to User Generated Material, you may be exposed to content on the Website that is inaccurate, objectionable, inappropriate for children or otherwise unsuited to your purpose or in violation of our Terms of Use. We take no responsibility and expressly disclaim any liability related in any way to your exposure to User Generated Material on the Website, whether or not it violates our Terms of Use. If and to the extent that we elect to accept User Generated Material, please choose carefully the information you post on the Website and that you give to other users. You are discouraged from publicly posting your full name, telephone number, street address, e-mail address or other information that identifies you or allows strangers to find you or to steal your identity. You assume all risks associated with dealing with other users with whom you come in contact through the Website, and to the extent that the law permits, you release us from any claims or liability related to any User Generated Material posted on the Website and from any claims related to the conduct of any other users.
    Guest Writer Agreement Any content that any individual (“Guest Writer”, "Writer", "Guest Contributor" or "Contributor") may post on is subject to the terms of the below. Contributor agrees to allow The 5 Minute Reset (“The 5 Minute Reset”) to publish original articles written by Contributor (the “Posts”) on The 5 Minute Reset’s website (“”), social media and/or wherever The 5 Minute Reset shall choose. Contributor grants The 5 Minute Reset the exclusive, worldwide right to publish on, syndicate, and distribute all or a portion of the Posts in any language, worldwide, on any medium, website, social network or anywhere else The 5 Minute Reset shall choose in the future. Contributor grants The 5 Minute Reset the right to use Contributor’s name, likeness, information about Contributor, photos, and the logo of Contributor’s website(s), social media accounts, etc., if applicable, in connection with the Posts. Contributor represents and warrants that as a Contributor and true author of the content posted that you have the right to grant these rights; that the Posts are original; that they do not knowingly contain any untrue statements, invade any right of privacy, or infringe upon any statutory or common law copyright or otherwise violate the rights of any third party; and that all statements in the Posts that are asserted as facts are true and/or based upon reasonable research for accuracy. The 5 Minute Reset may transfer these rights in the event of a sale to a third party. Contributor agrees to cooperate in the defense of any legal action brought against The 5 Minute Reset from the publication of the Posts. You agree to reveal to The 5 Minute Reset any actual or potential conflict of interest, including but not limited to any financial interest in any product, website, partnership, firm, or commercial venture relating to the subject of the Posts. The 5 Minute Reset reserves the right to remove from any of the Posts that violate its publishing standards, as determined solely by The 5 Minute Reset. The 5 Minute Reset may illustrate the Posts. Contributor grants The 5 Minute Reset the right to edit the Posts for publication. Additionally you agree to all of our Terms & Conditions including Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This agreement is governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada. By logging into the site or submitting posts to The 5 Minute Reset, Contributor indicates acceptance of these terms.
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